
1. For my magazine, i want to focus on creating a GQ type magazine focusing on mens lifestyle and fashion, with a target audience of 16 year old teenagers who are interested in fashion, music, lifestyle etc. For the name of my brand, i want to make it short and catchy as one of the things to draw attention  to the magazine is something catchy that will stick into peoples head. some ideas for the name:

After looking through a recent GQ magazine, i was interested with the design and the layout of the magazine, focusing on different parts that will draw attention to different communities and for this, is what make GQ magazine one of the best magazine company ever, as not only do they focus on mens, but females as well as other communities.  But also one of the things that is interesting is at the end of the magazine, has an advertising page of local communities that are trying to show they brand to others.

2. The overview:
My magazine is something that will bring small and big communities together to express there beliefs and the success of there brand etc. For this, i want to focus on fashion, lifestyle and music for some of the content to show on my magazine. The idea of my magazine, is to focus on bring people together from different communities to express their beliefs and how they feel about certain events happening in the world. For this, i would focus on 16+ yr old male teenagers as my target audiences who are interested in fashion, lifestyle and music. My magazine is going to represent individuals and what makes people different apart from appearance, this being personality, beliefs etc.



1. Get ready for the summer, with these 100 fashion trends
2. Inspirational artists that changed music
3. 20 breakfast meals to wake you up
4. How to get rid of hangovers
5. What is the best workout to loss body weight?
6. Stay physically active for the summer, with the best workout 
7. Why is smoking a trend today?
8. How to deal with stress ?
9. The rising of the skating culture
10. Vintage jewellery is trending again? 
11. Winners of Grammy 2022
12. The influence of music
13. The beauty of Jazz 
14. The 20 Best New Menswear Items To Buy This Week
15. The Best Food and Drinks of 2022
16. Brands that are helping to stop climate change
17. Best Cameras of 2022 
18. Who is the founder of REQUIRED?
19. 10 quick snacks for you
20. What is happening today?





Setting: Street, urban setting, graffiti, abandoned locations,
MES: Low angle shots, Natural lighting, Streetwear clothing, No props
Style: Skating, streetwear
Model: My friend

setting: For my setting i want to focus on urban areas as the focus of my magazine cover is lifestyle for teenagers, So i might find a street location or maybe something that links to teenagers.

MES: From all of my sketch examples, Most of the camera shots are low angles as it shows power, As for lighting i want to use natural lighting as it gives the image realism, linking to true information that will be mentioned in my magazine cover, streetwear or skating style clothes as it links to my target audiences. 

Model: I will be using my friend as a model, as it is easy access for me and easy to photo.

1. My website is a GQ style, that brings small communities together to express beliefs and things that are happening around the world. I will be using different parts from the 3 websites I've research to create a website that will focus on teenagers and the youth culture. For this, i want my website to focus on Music, fashion and lifestyle as well as other content to bring more audiences who are interested in similar content. My website represents the idea of sustainability and bring people together to express there ideas on recent events.



1 Brands that are helping to stop climate change
2 Inspirational artists that changed music
3 Evolution of Sneakers
4 The 20 Best New Menswear Items To Buy This Week
5 Best Cameras of 2022 
6 Winners of Grammy 2022
7 How to get rid of hangovers
8 Today's topics
9 What is the best workout to loss body weight?
10 Artists who are focusing on making a change




For my website, the visual content will be matched to the 3 previous websites that I've researched as i want to keep things simple and clean and match the target audiences. For this, my brand's mission statement is to bring communities together, this being said, i want to focus on my mission statement for this is the important part of my brand. The visual content will present my 4 main section headings in the website, and the content will be linked to something that will draw my target audiences to my website, this could be social media news etc. The style will follow a GQ type website but the conventions ( Typography, colour palette, layout ) will be followed around the other 2 websites : Men's Journal and Thrasher.


Setting: Street, urban setting, graffiti, abandoned locations, studio
MES: Low angle shots, Natural lighting, Streetwear clothing, No props
Style: Skating, streetwear
Model: My friend

Setting: for my setting, i will either focus on somewhere urban or the studio as for the 3 previous websites that I've research have used the studio or somewhere urban for there location especially GQ and thrasher, the photoshoots will be mainly linked to the magazines photoshoots.

MES: Low angle shots to show power, natural or studio lighting depending on the location of the photoshoot, streetwear clothing as for my target audiences main fashion focus is Streetwear, and i wont use any props.

Style: Skating style photoshoots with streetwear clothing, as well as casual style to lifestyle magazine : studio based photoshoots.

Model: For the only available model, i will be using my friend for most of the photoshoots and it is easy access for me.


Statement of intent


The overall idea for my main product is mens fashion and lifestyle magazine, my product will attract teenagers aged 16+ who are interested in urban fashion and lifestyle. This product will match Hearst magazine as i will focus on the values as well as to follow the mission statement to create an accurate magazine that will leave my audience educate with correct information on current events and leave my audience learning something new. My product will follow similar codes and conventions from previous magazines but also to be able to create something new that will draw more audiences to my product. The use of Mise-en-scene will be able to represent my overall product, as it will focus on identity and how they express themselves by the use of there identity, this will match my target audiences and will focus on creating a message for the audience to take with them when reading my product. The construction of my product will be appropriate for the genre as this will focus on the mise-en-scene including costume that will match the audiences as well as layout of the magazine, matching the set genre for my product. 


The website will follow similar codes and conventions from previous websites to create a welcoming website for my audiences to interact with, for this to be realistic i will take inspiration from three chosen websites to use media language and create my own website. For this to be possible, I've chosen three websites with different genres that match my product, a fashion and music based website, lifestyle website and a street/skating website, as these genres follow similar design format and making it easy, simple and accessible. 

A use of an template, my website will follow a simple design, as i want my audiences to be attracted to the articles as that is the most important part of a website.  The use of a house style design format, I want my website to be welcoming, with a black and white colour palette, simple layout and bold typography.

My pages will include articles from magazines, new articles and social media posts that could include behind the scenes and shoots that were used in magazines and the website. Not only will my website have articles but also clothes shop page, music related page and a lifestyle page to match my product, this will keep the audiences interacting with the website. The use of social media, could be a way to introduce new stocks in the shop, events, photoshoots etc, to only keep the audiences attracted to the website but to also keep up with events, articles, stocks in the shop etc.

The name of my brand is required, for this to follow the brand, the use of target audiences as models, this keep the audiences interested in the brand as they will have a chance to be in a magazine, article, or on the social media. 

Use of edited promotional videos, merch, interacting with fans, the visual side of the website will hook in the audience to be involved with the brand and to appeal my audience to the brand. 


The idea is to create the foundation for my website and finish off my first front cover 

6 weeks:

16 September: Website
23 September: Website
30 September: Website
7 October: Magazine
14 October: Magazine 
21 October: Magazine


  1. Some great ideas but some very different looks - especially between the website and the covers. Also, your target audience must be 16-25; you need to make sure you're appealing to the whole age range.


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